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Playing by Your Rules
Options – When you have them you play by your rules; when you don’t you play by their rules.
Burn this into your brain and don’t fight it. It is a hard cold truth that will help you Thrive on Conflict. You are going to be in both situations so let’s start by figuring out what to do when there are no or very few options.
Many of us don’t have a lot of options today because of the difficult economy. We can all identify with this situation. What else might take away or reduce our options? Well here are some typical situations:
- You are new on the job and you have a lot to learn.
- Down-sizing, out-sourcing and competition are taking work away
- Your boss doesn’t like you.
- You don’t like your boss.
Anger is a Useful Tool If…
Do you remember – Don’t be angry, play nice; you’ll get over it, and many more?
Well, here’s a new viewpoint. Anger is a useful tool if you use is correctly.
Key Point – When you become angry it means; you are losing the Game! Please don’t be offended. I didn’t say you are a loser. You can’t win a game that is stacked against you. You know this deep inside and you become angry. What’s the answer – Change the Game! This is my favorite example. I would become angry in heavy traffic. My thoughts were; I’m late, the lights are against me, and what are all these people doing on the road? Don’t they have homes?
The solution comes in three steps.